Fire Investigation Expert Witness Illinois

Fire Investigation Expert Witness Illinois

Fire Investigation Expert Witness IllinoisProfessional Analysis and Consulting Inc. offers the services of a fire investigation expert witness in Illinois who will investigate your situation and provide an unbiased analysis. Our fire investigation experts provide analysis and in-depth research inside of our state-of-the-art lab. Each of our expert witnesses has decades of experience to their name when it comes to investigating a number of fire-related situations.

Our team of experienced professionals may find burn patterns, tampered utilities, and any accelerants during the scene examination. Please click “Request Service” or send us an email today at [email protected] for more information, and we will respond shortly. Alternatively, you can reach out team by simply calling 630-466-4040

Five Fire Investigation Expert Witness Processes

Fires consume everything it touches and creates a story as it moves along for fire investigators to begin their investigation. Listed below are five steps to starting a fire investigation:

  1. Scene Arrival
  2. Evaluation
  3. Documentation of the area: photos or videos gathered
  4. Processing evidence: Keep material collected from further contamination
  5. Complete the full investigation: Submit reports to appropriate databases

These steps are just a tiny portion of a full investigation and the foundation of understanding a fire location and damage.

Fire Investigation to Litigation

Professional Analysis and Consulting Inc. offers the services of a fire investigation expert witness who stays unbiased when it comes to examining your situation. Our expert witness can provide testimony during cases to help a judge reach a decision based on all of the findings collected at the scene. Our team of professionals will explain, clarify, and provide complex truths to gain a complete understanding of your fire investigation.

Our team approaches your situation from an unbiased standpoint and looks to compile pertinent information into a report and find the root cause of your situation. The root cause of the fire can be natural, accidental, deliberate, and sometimes undetermined. Contact Professional Analysis and Consulting Inc. today by calling 630-466-4040, and someone will help you get started.