Aviation Expert Witness Dupage County

Aviation Expert Witness in Dupage CountyMetallurgical engineering

When an airplane crashes, the investigation usually includes a general wreckage inspection and a detailed lab examination of the parts involved. The aviation expert in Dupage County at Professional Analysis and Consulting, Inc. has a lot of experience reviewing and analyzing in depth a wide range of documents about aircraft or engines. Professional Analysis and Consulting has aviation experts who help with investigations involving fixed wing and rotary wing, piston powered, and turbine powered aircraft.

Call 630-466-4040 right now, and a representative will tell you everything you need to know about how the investigation experts at Professional Analysis and Consulting, Inc. can help your case by providing an aviation expert witness. Have at it with our simple form system to gather any information necessary via email. 

Meet with an Aviation Expert Witness to Get a Full Report

Professional Analysis and Consulting, Inc.’s team of aircraft experts can be counted on. If you find yourself needing an investigation specialist to act as your aviation expert witness in Dupage County, we are here. An aviation expert witness from Professional Analysis and Consulting can also look into accidents and problems with equipment used on the ground or to move bags.

Aviation expert witness investigators have succeeded when they combine their deep knowledge of aviation with experts in materials, mechanics, and other engineering and scientific fields. An aviation expert witness in Dupage County may look at the records of past and current aviation accident investigations.

Accident Reviews Need an Expert Witness in Aviation

These records begin with airframe, engine, and propeller logbooks, Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Maintenance cards, and work orders from the NTSB. With plenty of more locations to investigate, such as accident, incident, and mechanical trouble databases from the US, Canada, Australia, and other countries for support in court appearances.

Call 630-466-4040 right now, and a representative will tell you everything you need to know about how the investigation experts can help your case. If you have any questions or want to make an appointment, you can email us by filling out the form on the right, and a knowledgeable representative will get back to you soon.

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